Law Made Easy! Jurisprudence and Legal Theory is a free new app, the seventh installment of Law Made Easy!, a series of law-based apps designed with the law student in mind! As many college and university students will find, law can be a stressful subject. But look no further because Law Made Easy! has one aim in mind, and that is to take away the stress of studying law.
The seventh installment of this series aims to provide students of law with an accessible and simple understanding of a very basic yet complex subject - the theory of law. This app is perfect for those who wish to understand the philosophy and concept of law.
It comes with an in-app notebook, so students can keep note of any important notes and chapters, and because jurisprudence is a subject that requires ideas and abstract thinking, it would be so much easier to note down on your phone rather than on pieces of paper. This means you can make notes anywhere and anytime. This helps students to always bring with them the nuances of legal theory wherever they are! Forget the hassle of bringing paper and law books wherever you go! The in-app notebook is so much more convenient!
The app is good for revising before exams. With simple easy-to-locate chapters such on natural law, positivism, liberalism and feminism, all you need to do is click! If you wish to find a specific jurist, there's also that option - jurists such as Kelsen, Hart, Austin, Dworkin and more will be covered! Jurisprudence is fundamental to being a lawyer, an academician, or anyone related to the legal field. It is present in most law degrees, and some universities such as the University of London make it a compulsory subject.
Because the whole concept of law is so important to the legal profession, it is imperative that any law student must understand this subject to its fullest, especially those who aim to be academicians in law. Everything is in your hands with this app. However, it is first and foremost a supplement to your studies and while it cannot be considered a textbook, the app is many respects a guide for you along your journey as a law student.
The features of this app:
- Concise, easy to read format
- find a topic through a theory or through a jurist
- In-app notebook
- detailed headings for each theory and jurist
- notification function for us to keep you informed on the latest updates
Although Law Made Easy! Jurisprudence and Legal Theory is an app designed for university and college students, it is also equally as useful for any legal practitioner wishing to revise his Jurisprudence and Legal Theory or for those who wish to learn a bit about law. More importantly, students who wish to have a academic career next time should definitely learn the subject and expand their eyes!
Download the app now! Learn law the easy way today with Law Made Easy! - the only law app you will ever need!
这一系列的第七批旨在提供法律的学生提供一个非常基本但复杂的课题的方便和简单的了解 - 法理论。这个程序是完美的,谁希望了解哲学和法律的概念。
该应用程序是好的考试前修改。通过简单容易找到这样的自然法,实证主义,自由主义和女权主义的章节中,所有你需要做的就是点击!如果你想找到一个特定的法学家,这里还有那个选项 - 法学家如凯尔森,哈特,奥斯丁,德沃金多会被覆盖!法学是当律师,院士,或任何相关的法律领域的基础。它是存在于大多数法律学位,以及一些大学,如伦敦大学使其成为一门必修课。
- 简洁,易于阅读的格式
- 通过一个理论或通过法学家找到一个主题
- 在应用程序内的笔记本电脑
- 每个理论和法学家的详细标题
- 通知功能可以使我们保持你的最新动态通知
现在下载的应用程序!今天学习法最简单的方式与法律一点通! - 你永远都需要的唯一法律的应用程序!